We are seeking interested parties to serve as reviewing editors for CH. We anticipate growth in submissions and we require expertise in all areas and for all taxonomic groups. Interested persons should contact the editor and include a brief summary of the content (taxonomic and conceptual area) you consider yourself qualified to handle, complete contact information and a current CV. Invitations to join the Board will be made based upon qualifications and particular needs of the journal. New editors are asked to make a three year commitment to the journal, and in so doing, agree to handle 2-6 manuscripts per year.

CH was conceived as a journal that would exploit technology to escape some of the technical constraints of traditional publishing (e.g., use of color, sound). This rationale extends to the editorial process as well. We are striving to increase the global breadth of participation in the journal, in both the editorial process and in submissions. We therefore welcome inquiries from scientists from all geographic regions to participate in the journal.

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