Table 3. Species of lizards which have been shown to be negatively or positively affected by livestock grazing, or for whom no effect was detected after grazing or between grazed and ungrazed plots.

Positively Affected
Crotaphytus collaris Sexton et al. (1992)
Holbrookia maculata Ballinger and Jones (1985), Ballinger and Watts (1995)
Uta stansburiana Romero-Schmidt and Ortega-Rubio (1999)
Sit-and-wait species Jones (1981: Table 2)
Negatively Affected
Cnemidophorus tigris Brooks (1999)
Diplodactylus granariensis Smith et al. (1996)
Diplodactylus pulcher Smith et al. (1996)
Sceloporus magister Brooks (1999)
Sceloporus scalaris Bock et al. (1990), Ballinger and Congdon (1996)
Urosaurus nigricaudus Romero-Schmidt and Ortega-Rubio (1999)
Actively foraging species   Jones (1981: Table 2)
No Effect Detected
Phrynosoma cornutum Fair and Henke (1997)